The PADI Enriched Air Diver (EANx)
Price: $180++
Duration: 1-2 Days
The PADIEnrichedAirDivercourse is a popular choice if you are looking tomaximizeyourdivetimeandsafety on certain types of dives. It's an excellent addition to the skills and knowledge of any certified diver and can open up new opportunities for more extended and enjoyable underwater experiences. This course, often referred to as the Nitrox course, is a specialty certification that allows you to use enriched air (EANx) as a breathing gas during scuba dives. Enriched air nitrox contains a higher percentage of oxygen and a lower percentage of nitrogen compared to standard air. This course teaches you how to plan and execute dives using EANx safely and effectively.
Prerequisites: To enroll in the PADI Enriched Air Diver course, you need to be at least 12 years old and have a certification as a PADI Open Water Diver or an equivalent certification from another recognized scuba diving organization.
KnowledgeDevelopment: You'll learn about the benefits and risks of using enriched air nitrox, how to analyze the oxygen content in your tank and how to plan dives with EANx. The knowledge development portion of the course will be completed through self-paced e-learning and a short "classroom" session with your instructor.
PracticalApplication: You'll practice the skills necessary for using enriched air nitrox, including analyzing the gas in your tank to confirm its oxygen content and setting your dive computer or dive tables for EANx dives.
DivingwithEANx: The primary benefit of using enriched air nitrox is that it can potentially extend your no-decompression limits, allowing for longer bottom times on certain dives, such as repetitive dives on liveaboards, multi-day dive trips, and deep dives, compared to using standard air. It can also be beneficial for reducing nitrogen absorption and minimizing the risk of decompression sickness on specific dives. However, it's important to understand the limitations and safety procedures associated with EANx diving.
Certification: Upon successful completion of the course, you'll receive the PADI Enriched Air Diver certification card. This certification allows you to purchase and use enriched air nitrox for your scuba dives, as long as you stay within the maximum allowable oxygen percentage for your certification level.